It doesn’t just kind of fall short, it is a 1998 throw back where NOTHING works.

The problem is, as anyone that owns a Tesla will attest, is the browser built into the vehicle entertainment system blows. So I decided I’d just bring up Slacker in the browser. I’d really like to have those in my car while on a long road trip. However there are a dozen stations I’ve built with literally thousands of songs curated on each. It is a million times better than the WEB app put out by Slacker especially for a mobile interface. Not my favorite choice as the Tesla UX is far superior for driving mode operation than the typically-horrid mobile app put out by Slacker. I could bypass the Tesla media interface. In short custom stations are completely off the radar when it comes to accessing them from the Model S. I can mark Slacker stations as favorite in my Tesla, and they can be set to be “front and center” on the media app, but I cannot get to them anywhere else. I can create a custom Slacker Station and get it on my Sonos, through Alexa, and on my mobile apps. Tesla disagrees as it is a primary feature when bringing up Slacker stations on their interface. According to Slacker the “Favorites” feature to mark any station as a favorite is being dropped. If Slacker didn’t halfway drop the Favorites feature, the icon now appears on the IOS app but does nothing I could use that. I’d like to see all my custom stations when I login to my Premium Slacker account in my Tesla. I’m not “most people” especially when it comes to my streaming audio. Tesla got the media interface “good enough for most people”. I love both products but Slacker has been doing half-baked secondary features for years now. I also am frustrated with the horribly outdated browser and the half-ass integration of my Premium Slacker Radio account with the in-dash Slacker interface. As a tech geek I’m interested in the tech in my Model S.